FarmDroid has a test field at Ravnholtgaard in Vejen. As a part of Rural Impact Hub, a unique and versatile development environment for AgTech companies, we have been provided a test field close to our headquarters.
Watch our CTO and co-founder, Jens Warming, tell about how we use the field.
The new adjustable weed cutting discs help, while at the same time protecting the crop from being covered with soil. With our adjustable weed cutting discs, you can start weeding close to the crop at a very early stage and thereby ensure a clean field from sowing until harvest.
In 2022 we have experienced an increased interest in field robots, resulting in a growing sale of the FarmDroid FD20 robot. It has been a successful, but also busy year for us so far. But it has been worth the effort as we have recently sold our field robot number 250!
4.30V – 4.40V – 4.50V – 4.60V – 4.70V
Read more here.
4520 H (CH) – 6020 H (CH)
Read more here.