FarmDroid Newsletter June 2022

FarmDroid Newsletter June 2022

In 2022 we have experienced an increased interest in field robots, resulting in a growing sale of the FarmDroid FD20 robot. It has been a successful, but also busy year for us so far. But it has been worth the effort as we have recently sold our field robot number 250!

We want to extend a BIG thank you to all our end-users, distributors and suppliers as they have all been a key factor in this rapid adoption of the FarmDroid technology. 

Watch the video with René Jannick Jørgensen, CEO of FarmDroid.

FarmDroid sells robot #250 within 2 years

Worldwide demands for clean, renewable energy, rising energy prices, labor issues and an intensified focus on sustainable crops have urged farmers to consider alternative means of farming. All these factors have led to farmers becoming more aware of innovative and automated farming solutions, such as robot technology.

Wind and weather

Weather is an unpredictable factor, so it is only natural to wonder whether a solar-powered field robot can drive in cloudy and rainy weather. The simple answer to that question is yes. Even though the FarmDroid robot is powered by solar panels, it can still drive when the weather is bad. Read this article and learn more about how.

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