The CHOPSTAR-HYBRID inter-row crop cultivator with horizontal discs is the perfect solution for hoeing in mulch-till. Based on the proven CHOPSTAR hoeing frame there are at discs mounted to the hoeing section that can rotate freely. The diameter is adapted to the desired row spacing. These discs cut through the soil just below the surface. They harm the roots of the weeds respectively hoe the weed just below the soil surface and below the mulch layer. High-gauge wheels are mounted in front of the discs. They cut the soil and the mulch layer vertically to guarantee a smooth operation without any clogging.
It is also the first choice for hoeing in special crops, in vegetables and in crops with a lot of green mass because it operates below the leaves and doesn’t harm the crop. The at discs and the cutting high-gauge wheels prevent a clogging also in fields with a high amount of weed, as it could happen with conventional tines. This guarantees a perfect hoeing result.
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The CHOPSTAR-TWIN is a row-crop cultivator which allows working with much higher precision because the hoeing elements are positioned above the crop row.
Einböck, the cultivation-technology specialist with decades of experience, set another milestone in the technology for mechanical weed control. Instead of positioning the hoeing elements between the crop rows, the CHOPSTAR-TWIN was developed for exact hoeing by putting the hoe element above the row. The major advantage of this new Einböck row-crop cultivator is that it can be used in very young crops and in extremely close distance to the rows. The hoeing parallelogram doesn’t work between the rows like on classic hoes but is placed directly above the row. The hoeing width can be precisely adjusted by means of angle-adjustable cutting discs in combination with following angle knives. Two Farmflex wheels running close to the plant row guarantee an exact depth guidance of the elements. The thin, unworked hoeing belt can be further treated with a finger hoe on the row-crop cultivator or in a second pass with the AEROSTAR-EXACT precision tined weeder. This ensures complete weed control over the entire surface.
The wide range of adjustable row spacings up to 75 cm enables the CHOPSTAR-TWIN to be used in a various crops from cereals, soybeans, beets to vegetables, etc. This new hoeing-system is even predestined for special crops. Ideally, the CHOPSTAR-TWIN is combined with the automatic camera steering system ROW-GUARD. The new camera system and side shift frame enable early, fast and, above all, accurate hoeing. After intensive and very successful tests on the company’s own testing fields, pre-serial production starts now.
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The most important aspect of mechanical weeding in row crops is to get with the hoe shares as near as possible to the crops without harming it. Tools that are working between the plants in the row like e.g. the finger hoe have to get very close to or already in the row. The more exact you can work to the crops the higher can be the possible working speed.
Besides the advantage of the higher working accuracy and the full-surface weeding in combination with a finger hoe you can also increase the yield. Because you can reach working speeds of up to 15 km/h more area can be weeded in shorter time and better quality. The driver doesn´t get tired, he only has to take care of staying in the lane.
More efficient hoeing with the new ROW-GUARD camera steering system
The ROW-GUARD camera steering system guides hoes precisely, even in high speed. Via a control unit in the tractor cabin the precision guidance system can be adjusted comfortably. The picture captured by the camera is being analysed on spots with a high concentration of green pixel. With help of the available information about row configuration of the crop (row spacing, number of rows, etc.) a raster is put on top of the picture. This data builds the basis for the information provided to the offset frame which guides the hoe exactly in between the rows.
Special features of the ROW-GURAD:
» Color mode (green/blue, green/yellow, red)
» 3D-Mode (recognition of crop rows due to different height)
» Recognition of different row structures (single or multiple rows)
» Automatic recognition of camera height and angle (via 3D-mode)
» Integrated chart for recommended camera height
» Automatic switching of offset
» Saving of settings
Technical data of the ROW-GUARD:
» Sideshift-frame with total offset of 500 mm
» Upper and lower links guided on both sides
» Upper and lower links equipped with hardened bushings
» Quick couplers for quick changing of the inter-row crop cultivator
» Guidance shafts made from high-strength, coated metal for minimised wear and tear
» Camera with 2 vertically placed, high definition lenses with different exposure for improved operation in changing light conditions
» Holder for camera for Einböck hoes
» Wheel sensor with holder and cable (length 3 m) suitable for the stabilising wheels of the Row-Guard
» Sensor on the upper link to determine the position of the 3 point linkage
» Control unit with touchscreen und integrated video-monitor and universalholder for the tractor cab
Cat-whiskers: For sensing a crop row (row-distance > 35 cm; 13.8”)
Supports the Row-Guard shortly before or after row closure
More information: https://www.einboeck.at/en/row-guard